Monday, November 15, 2010

RSS Is Dead, But Reeder For Mac Makes It A Beautiful Corpse [Preview]

For a long time after the launch of the iPhone, despite thousands of apps for just about everything you can imagine, there was no killer RSS reader app. That changed when the 2.0 version of Reeder arrived earlier this year. It's so good that I often prefer using it to reading feeds in Google Reader, long my go-to RSS reader. And the iPad version is even better. And now it's about ready to launch in beta for the Mac. While the blog Macstories did a preview back in September when the software was in early alpha, it has come a long way since then. And developer Silvio Rizzi has given me permission to do a short preview of what you can expect when the beta hits (sometime in the next couple of weeks, he hopes). I've been using the app for months now, and it's finally feeling rock-solid. And it has completely replaced Google Reader for me.



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